Ethics & Values

For over 200 years, the John Swire & Sons group of companies has been recognised as acting responsibly in the course of achieving its commercial success. Our reputation for fair dealing and integrity is a great asset: preserving the asset depends on high standards. Compliance with Swire Energy Services’ Code of Ethics is an essential part of what we do every day globally, and as part of the wider Swire Group, we at Swire Energy Services are proud of this reputation. Our core values of integrity, humility, endeavour, excellence and continuity underpin everything we do. As these values show, it has always been our policy to operate in a fair and ethical manner and it will continue to be so.

Code of Ethics

Swire Energy Services is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity and we pride ourselves on acting responsibly in the course of achieving our commercial success. Our reputation for fair dealing, integrity and doing the right thing depends on the highest standards and compliance with our Code of Ethics is an essential part of doing so.

We are proud of the reputation for honesty and fair dealing which we have gained over the last 40+ years. The Code of Ethics states our position on a number of fundamentally important topics including:-

  • Bribery and Corruption (aligned with the UK Bribery Act 2010)
  • Procurement Principles
  • Facilitation Payments
  • Gifts, Hospitality & Expenses
  • Donations Political and Charitable
  • Competition and Anti-trust
  • Business and personal Relationships
  • Respect in the Workplace
  • Use of IT and Information compliant with GDPR

The Code applies to our staff at all levels, wherever located, and to its business partners and agents. At its heart, it confirms our commitment to uphold the laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate and prohibits the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any financial or other advantage in order to try to influence the actions of another person, whether directly or indirectly. It reiterates our zero tolerance approach to bribery and provides a clear reporting line for any suspicions. It also contains guidance on matters such as facilitation payments, gifts and hospitality, charitable donations, the appointment of agents and intermediaries and our relationship with business partners and suppliers.

Our staff are trained on the Code of Ethics on an ongoing basis and numerous other measures are in place to ensure our personnel comply with the Code.

Swire Energy Services is committed to the highest standards of business ethics, conducting all its businesses with integrity and fairness and committing the Group and Relevant Persons to:

  • Comply with all the applicable local, national and cross border laws and regulations in each of the countries jurisdictions in which it operates;
  • Strive to make Swire Energy Services an enjoyable and rewarding place to work;
  • Provide high quality products and services;
  • Maintain the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and corporate governance;
  • Ensure the safety of employees, customers, suppliers, business associates and all others who come into contact with the Group;
  • Meet the highest standards in discharging our corporate social responsibilities;
  • Behave with courtesy and respect to everyone we encounter in the course of our business;
  • Meet ethical and legal standards in relation to the privacy and confidentiality of personal and business information;
  • Promote the application of this Code in all dealings and to give preference in business dealings to those who adhere to similar business ethics.

Business partners may report concerns and instances of suspected or actual non-compliance related to an employee or any associated third party acting on behalf of Swire Energy Services. Business partners in this context include contractors, partners, suppliers, and customers. Confidential reports can be made via email to; this email account is monitored by our HR Manager and the Group Head of Internal Audit at John Swire & Sons Limited. All reports will be investigated as a matter of urgency. The anonymity of the reporting party will be safeguarded if desired. No retaliation will be taken against people who report in good faith, even if the investigation is closed without action.

Our Values

Underpinning everything we do are our values, which are based on the Swire Group’s core values of

Integrity | Humility | Endeavour | Excellence | Continuity

These values define our corporate culture and serve as the guiding principles of SES and how we run our business and treat our people.


• Do the ‘right’ thing
• No politics
• Support each other; our success is down to the team
• Our word is our bond


• Respect and learn from each other
• Be aware of our limitations
• We all have a place - be open to others: learn from them
• We are self-confident but beware vanity and excess pride


• No short cuts
• Endeavour / Enterprise made Swire what it is today
• Pioneering spirit
• Relish a challenge
• Deliver results
• Lasting success through solid, responsible, hard work


• Dedication to excellence in all businesses
• Strive for best in class
• Doing the job in the best possible way


• We take the long-term view - strategic
• Fundamental concern for people and the communities we work with
• Sustainable growth
• Enduring value for our shareholders
• Engender respect and loyalty of staff and public

Modern Slavery Act

Swire Energy Services has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and, in accordance with our Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains. We are also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains.

Our standard processes require all contractors, suppliers and business partners to complete an evaluation verifying their ethical practices, to include the steps taken by them to reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking within their company and their supply chain. These evaluations are requested for all new and existing suppliers.

Modern Slavery Act Statement

To view Swire Energy Services' Modern Slavery Act Statement

Click here